TriYoung, Inc. Celebrates 25 Years of Innovating and Empowering Businesses with Technology Solutions

Phoenix, AZ – January 16, 2024 – TriYoung, Inc., a trailblazing force in database management and IT solutions, proudly announces its 25th anniversary, celebrating a legacy of innovation and adaptability in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Founded in 1998 by visionary Julie Young, TriYoung has evolved alongside monumental technological shifts, all while maintaining a steadfast commitment to easing the administrative burdens of those serving communities and enhancing operational effectiveness for businesses and healthcare organizations.

As we step into this momentous year, it’s not just a celebration of longevity; it’s a testament to TriYoung’s adaptability, innovation, and the enduring relationships built over a quarter-century. When Julie Young launched TriYoung, the world was just glimpsing the potential of the internet and digital technology. From the era of dial-up connections and bulky TVs to today’s world of Wi-Fi, smartphones, and advanced healthcare systems, TriYoung has not just witnessed but also contributed to the technological revolution.

“Reflecting on the past 25 years, I’m filled with immense gratitude and pride for what we’ve achieved,” says Julie Young, Founder and President of TriYoung, Inc. “It’s been a journey of continuous learning, adapting, and above all, listening to the needs of those we serve. Our mission has always been to make technology an enabler, not a burden, for our clients.”

Key Milestones and Impact

TriYoung’s journey is marked by significant milestones and an expanding suite of services tailored to meet the evolving needs of its clients. In 2000, the company implemented CAREWare for the first time, marking its foray into specialized healthcare IT solutions. Over the years, TriYoung has developed innovative interfaces like the Grants Management System (GMS) and the Ryan White Integrated Statewide Eligibility (RWISE) system, addressing the unique challenges of grant management and program eligibility.

Perhaps most impactful has been TriYoung’s ability to listen and respond to the unique needs of each client, particularly those serving in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and related healthcare initiatives. The firm’s client-focused approach has led to the development of customized solutions that enhance service delivery and operational efficiency.

Central to TriYoung’s success has been its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, a sentiment echoed by Krissten B., a valued client, who recently wrote to us saying:

“Thank you all at TriYoung for all that you do to help [our organization] be more advanced & streamlined so that all our staff have more time to provide services to our clients so that they can be healthier, happier, and more independent.”

From a Solo Venture to a Thriving Team

From its humble beginnings as a solo venture, TriYoung has blossomed into a dynamic team of nine professionals, each committed to the company’s vision of technological empowerment. “In 2017, we hired our first employee, marking a new chapter of growth. Now, as a team of nine and with twenty-nine clients, our passion for innovative, client-centric solutions is stronger than ever,” reflects Julie. TriYoung’s growth is a story of shared commitment, not just within the team but alongside each client and community they’ve served.

A Future Focused on Innovation and Partnership

As TriYoung looks to the future, it remains dedicated to pioneering innovative solutions and deepening its partnerships, continuing to serve as a beacon of technological empowerment and customer-centric service. The team is dedicated to developing tools that support initiatives like the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. and Rapid Start ART (antiretroviral therapy) programs, contributing to significant public health goals.

“Our 25th anniversary is more than a milestone; it’s a stepping stone to the future. We remain committed to our roots of innovation, service, and community support, continuously exploring new ways to enhance our impact,” says Julie.

For 25 years, TriYoung has been at the forefront of leveraging technology to empower organizations, a commitment that remains unwavering as it steps into the next phase of its journey.

About TriYoung, Inc.

TriYoung, Inc. is a renowned provider of database management and IT solutions. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency and reducing administrative burdens, TriYoung serves a diverse client base, including businesses, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits. For 25 years, TriYoung has been committed to leveraging technology to empower organizations to focus on their mission-critical work. For more information, visit

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Lisa Alaniz

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