CAREWare has several built-in ways to report and manage data. One powerful yet often misunderstood feature is the Performance Measures module. Performance Measures, also known as health outcomes, reside in the Administrative Options menu as of build 960 in CAREWare. These measures are essentially demographic reports divided to produce a percentage.

The most common performance measures used by Ryan White Grant Recipients and subrecipients are the Core 4 measures and PCP Prophylaxis. These measures are available for download and help organizations track key health outcomes. You’ll find all the Performance Measurements (PMs) preloaded for you when you access the performance measurement module. With the right permissions, you can modify these PMs, exchange them with other CAREWare users, or even create your own.

Running Performance Measures (PMs) is a routine yet crucial task. To get started, navigate to the CAREWare Reports section and select “Run Performance Measures.” From there, you can search for the specific Performance Measure you wish to evaluate. If you need to run multiple measures simultaneously, just select all the relevant PMs you want to assess and then click “Evaluate Selected.” Be sure to choose the “As Of Date,” which represents the final day of your performance review period. Typically, this date will be set 1-2 years prior. Once your measures are evaluated, you can print out the results for your records.  A box will appear on the top left corner once report is complete with message “Report Generation complete. View Report” Select “View Report” to open the Performance Measure. The report can then be saved and/or printed.

Understanding how CAREWare Performance Measures work can greatly enhance your ability to track and improve client care. In the following sections, we’ll dig deeper into how to identify numerators and denominators, use the Performance Measures in CAREWare, and explore their benefits for nonprofits.

What Are CAREWare Performance Measures?

CAREWare Performance Measures are essential tools that help nonprofits and healthcare providers track key health outcomes. These measures, also known as health outcomes, can be found in the Administrative Options menu in CAREWare versions built 960 and above. Essentially, Performance Measures are demographic reports divided to produce a percentage. They help in understanding how well services are being delivered and where improvements might be needed.

Organizations commonly use specific Performance Measures like the Core 4 measures and PCP Prophylaxis. These can be downloaded and provide a snapshot of key health indicators. Once you access the performance measurement module, you’ll see a list of all the preloaded Performance Measures (PMs). You have the flexibility to modify these, exchange them with other CAREWare users, or even create custom measures based on your organization’s needs.

Identifying Numerators and Denominators

Identifying numerators and denominators is crucial when working with Performance Measures. These components give a snapshot of the care being delivered, helping pinpoint improvement areas.

The Denominator includes clients eligible to receive the care or service under review. It sets the population against which performance is measured. For example, if you want data on adult females who received a vaccine, the denominator would exclude males and anyone under 18 years old. This way, your denominator includes only adult females over the age of 18.

The Numerator is a subset of the Denominator. It represents those who actually received the care or service. Continuing with the vaccine example, the numerator would be the number of adult females from the denominator who received the vaccine. The denominator identifies those who should have received the service, while the numerator shows how many actually did.

Both elements are vital. The wrong selection of either can lead to misleading data. It’s important to accurately decide who belongs in the numerator and denominator to ensure the data reflects the actual quality of care provided. Performance measures provide value by allowing comparison with peers and identifying areas that need improvement.

How to Use Performance Measures in CAREWare

Using Performance Measures in CAREWare helps organizations understand the effectiveness of their services. To start, you’ll need to access the performance measurement module in CAREWare. Here, you’ll find all the Performance Measures (PMs) preloaded for your use. With the right permissions, you can modify these PMs, share them with other users, or create new ones that suit your needs.

The first step in running a Performance Measure is to select the “As Of Date.” This date marks the last day you are looking at to measure performance. Normally, PMs are set up to look back 1-2 years from this date. Then, select a specific PM that you want to run and click “Refresh Single Performance Measure.” CAREWare will process the data, providing you with a numerator, denominator, and percentage as the outcome.

Benefits of Using Performance Measures in Nonprofits

Performance Measures offer several benefits for nonprofits, particularly those focused on healthcare. One major advantage is that they help identify areas where services can be improved. By focusing on specific health outcomes, you can better understand how well your programs are working and where adjustments are needed.

Another benefit is that Performance Measures provide data that can be used to demonstrate effectiveness to stakeholders. Funders and other partners often require metrics to ensure their investments make a difference. By using PMs, you can present hard evidence of your nonprofit’s impact, making it easier to secure future funding and support.

Performance Measures also facilitate better internal decision-making. With accurate data, management can allocate resources more efficiently and make informed choices about program improvements. This leads to higher quality care and more effective services for the populations you serve. Additionally, PMs allow for benchmarking against other organizations, helping you identify best practices and areas where you can learn from peers.


Performance Measures in CAREWare are essential tools for any nonprofit focused on delivering high-quality healthcare services. They not only help track the effectiveness of programs but also provide valuable insights for improvements. By understanding and utilizing these measures, organizations can make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and substantiate their impact to stakeholders.

At TriYoung, we specialize in streamlining technology so nonprofits can concentrate on transformative, life-changing work. If you’re interested in learning more about how our services can help you maximize the potential of CAREWare Performance Measures, feel free to contact us today. Let’s work together to enhance the quality of care and drive meaningful change.

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