Navigating the Future: TriYoung’s Tech Stack Evolution and Vision for 2023

How do you determine where you want to go in the upcoming New Year? What a fun and challenging question when the past 12 months reflects an organization that has made huge strides in changing the way we organize our work and do business. Our tech stack is where improvements and efficiencies can be made, but where to start. Perhaps it requires a look back to determine what future is desired!

Let us journey down memory lane a bit. The biggest change that TriYoung accomplished in the past years was implementing an Agile mindset in 2021. It was the most challenging implementation because it was a focus on how we think about our work and the process in which we organize to complete the work. Most organizations would start with implementation of a new system to force the change into Agile, but Julie Young was convinced the change started with mindset and how the people that are vital to our success think and interact. In 2021, TriYoung had a revolving door of staffing issues due to many complex challenges with this change. These staffing issues resulted in four staff members leaving and three new staff members hired. One staff member was hired and quit within 90 days. The good news is the new staff adopted the Agile mindset and began navigating well with the remaining team members. By the fourth quarter of 2021, the team was working in an Agile mindset, but had no tools that worked like Agile does.

The team was ready for a tool that organized both our support and project work in one place that allows for Agile methodologies to be supported. January 2022, TriYoung signed up for Clickup as the tool to do all things. The team began full use of the new tool in March 2022 and has this been a game changer. The team can successfully track, prioritize, and organize all things that are required of us by internal and external stakeholders. Our Sprints were changed to run every 3 weeks with both our development and support teams working together to complete the priority work on time. With this main component of the tech stack completely implemented, 2023 will be the next phase of this tech stack update journey.

2023 will be a year focused on updating our tech stack used in our web development and database management. TriYoung has partnered with a forward-thinking web design solutions provider who has already began the groundwork to the redesign of our front-end interfaces. The focus is to modernize the look and feel of our solutions while at the same time adopting methods for ease of support and customization. These changes will give us a revised tech stack allowing for TriYoung to grow our current offerings to include stronger modern customer-focused, data driven, visualization tools and reporting. Our products will include modern custom web wrappers (like buying a car and you add all those cool features with a wrap) to simplify the data integration process and user management workflows to allow both our team and our customers to do more with less by streamlined systems to accomplish the core requirements. Allowing everyone to do greater things with their time and resources.

Reflecting on where TriYoung came from and what was accomplished in 2022, it clearly shows that TriYoung can set audacious goals in our vision of creating healthy communities through the power of innovative technology. As TriYoung approaches 25 years in business we will improve our tech stack allowing us to provide innovative technology solutions as we look forward at the future filled with hope.

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